学习园地 首页 >> 学习园地>> 英语这么多变态量词 你都会用吗?

英语这么多变态量词 你都会用吗?

发布时间: 2017-6-5 16:07:05

  外国人学中文,最头大的有一项就是量词:What?牛论头,鱼论尾,马是匹,羊是……太复杂了,我们英语多简单啊,a bull, a fish, a horse, a sheep!



  A pride of lions, a murder of crows, a crash of rhinos...什么?这是什么鬼?我们中文一群狮子,一群乌鸦,一群犀牛就好了啊!


  1. 用形状做量词:

  a bar of chocolate 一块儿巧克力;

  a bar of candy 一块儿糖;

  a blade of glass 一块儿玻璃;

  a blade of grass 一片儿草叶;

  a block of ice 一块儿冰块;

  a block of wood 一截木料 ;

  a cake of soap 一块儿肥皂;

  a cake of iron 一块铁;

  a drop of water 一滴水;

  a drop of brandy 一口白兰地;

  an ear of flower 一朵花儿;

  an ear of wheat 一穗麦子;

  a flight of stair 一级楼梯;

  a grain of sand 一粒沙子;

  a loaf of bread 一片面包;

  a lump of sugar 一大块糖;

  a sheet of paper 一张纸;

  a slice of meat 一片肉;

  a stick of chalk 一支粉笔;

  2. 用打包方法做量词:

  a bunch of flowers 一束花;

  a bundle of sticks 一捆木棍;

  a cluster of roses 一从玫瑰;

  a pack of cigarettes 一包香烟;

  a series of films 一部影片;

  a tuft of hair 一束头发;

  3. 用群体做量词:

  an army of soldiers 一群士兵;

  a band of musicians 一队乐师;

  a batch of students 一批学生;

  a bench of examiners 一行考官;

  a crew of sailors 一队海员;

  a crowd of people 一群人;

  a gang of thieves 一伙儿小偷;

  a group of children 一群孩子;

  a team of players 一队选手;

  4. 用畜群做量词:

  a brood of chickens 一窝小鸡;

  a clusters of ants 一群蚂蚁;

  a herd of cattle 一群家畜;

  a pack of wolves 一群狼;

  a school of fish 一群鱼;

  a swarm of bees 一群蜜蜂;

  5. 用度量做量词:

  a foot of 一英尺;

  a meter of 一米;

  a yard of 一码;

  a gram of 一克;

  a kilo of 一公斤;

  an ounce of 一盎司;

  a pound of 一磅;

  a ton of 一吨;

  a gallon of 一加仑;

  a liter of 一公升;

  a pint of 一品脱;

  a quart of 一夸脱;

  an area of 一亩;

  a hectare of 一公顷;

  6. 用容器做量词:

  a bottle of 一瓶;

  a bowl of 一碗;

  a bucket of 一桶;

  a cup of 一杯;

  a can of 一听儿;

  a glass of 一玻璃杯;

  a jar of 一罐儿;

  7. 用行为动作等做量词:

  a display of courage 一股勇气;

  a fit of laughter 一阵笑声;

  a flash of hope 一丝希望;

  a peal of thunder 一声响雷;

  a ray of light 一束光线


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